
How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude! ~Emily Dickinson

Thursday, July 22, 2010

of slugs and bugs and other thugs

ENTER: the slug

very ambitious slug

disheartened by constant poking ;P

ENTER: the bug

cute little critter

ENTER: the snail (the thug)

goofy :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

drip, drip go the drops

 guess you must have got the notion by now... i'm using a drip for drip irrigation! pretty neat, ain't that? and economical too provided that you undergo a week or two of  diarrohea, GTIs or something equally bad ;)

 the scribblings you can see are the ingredients of rose fertilzer

i just supported the nozzle with a stick and it dripped away water. drip irrigation's good especially in warm/hot climates because it maintains the water level in the soil. during  fruiting period the chances of blossom end rot also lessen

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pretty in Pink- Portulaca Grandiflora (also called Moss Rose)

this plant comes in cuttings.. you just stick in the stems and wait for the magic to stir up.. it loves the sun and does well with little water



pollen close-up

Sunday, July 4, 2010

red chillis

The joy of the harvest of one's very own home-grown things cannot be described in words. At present I am growing red chillis at home. Yesterday I harvested the first chilli. Here are some pics of the plants.

red chilli
chilli flower
  its so tiny.. see
the plant