
How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude! ~Emily Dickinson

Thursday, July 22, 2010

of slugs and bugs and other thugs

ENTER: the slug

very ambitious slug

disheartened by constant poking ;P

ENTER: the bug

cute little critter

ENTER: the snail (the thug)

goofy :)


  1. A recent study found that plants can absorb nicotine and other toxins from cigarette smoke.Karachi plants This may indicate that plants and smoking cigarettes could be a way to filter indoor air to make it healthier for human residents. In the study, researchers exposed peppermint plants to cigarette smoke.

  2. As with watering, every plant has different light requirements. Many plants prefer direct sunlight, but this may be hard to get inside a house.Plants suitable for karachi Placing a plant in a window might offer enough light, but some houseplants will need supplementing from a grow light

  3. avocado Plant
    prefer warm growing seasons, but can take winter temperatures down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, when growth will slow.

  4. Caring for avocado Plant in containers is just as easy. Keep the plant soil consistently moist but not over watered. Overwatering will cause the leaves to curl and the stem to soften– not a desirable trait. Don't under water the avocado either or the foliage will wilt, dry and drop.
